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Sponsored Posts

A sponsored post is a post that contains one or more item/s that were gifted to me or were part of a blogger pack for the express purpose of a review on my blog. 


I want to be clear with my readers when something has been given to me to review or promote as I understand how discouraging it can be to find out later. I realise this is more of a real life stipulation, however, I feel it still applies to my work on this blog. 


I would also like to state that I will not write something in a review that I don’t believe. 

If I don’t like something then I will say it’s not to my tastes, however, I can still appreciate the work, the quality and the design. 

If something is awesome and I love it to bits then I will say this - obviously with a ridiculous amount of flourish - and we’ll be on our way. 


If you’re not interested in seeing sponsored posts I understand entirely. I will make sure they are labelled clearly as “Sponsored” so you can skip ahead to my usual awesome banter. 


For any questions or concerns regarding a sponsored post or if you’d like to submit your own items for review or promotion please contact me at 


Love, Kirinyth


Kirinyth's use of the SLBN logo does not constitute approval by or a representation or endorsement from Linden Lab.


Thanks for submitting!

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