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Kirinyth vs Tech; an Epic Battle of History

Writer's picture: KirinythKirinyth

What a week!

If you follow me on twitter you’d have seen the epic adventures of Kirinyth vs Tech. If you don’t follow me, no worries I’m absolutely about to fill you in on all the details.

First, let’s watch this unveil in “real time”...

It’s at this point I realise what it actually means to not have my trusty old 2012 iMac.

A new day and some sleep later.

Now I’m starting to get antsy because I want to get some blog work done, some photos completed and basically just be a boss lady. It also doesn’t help that I am one of those creative types that have periods of amazing creativity immediately followed by creative burnout.

So I do the only thing I can do: I make do with what I have.

Things are going okay, I can get some mediocre photos and I can (sort of) use Second Life, as long as I don’t want to do anything more than stand around in places. Which, I guess is really all I do since I am so slow when it comes to photos.

I should probably also mention that I switched from the Macbook to ye older HP Windows laptop. This is important because Windows and I are basically frenemies.

This was the point when I start to get a little bit, well, sad in real life. By “a little bit” I mean I was morose. I couldn’t write anything more coherent than “FML” and I found it difficult to put myself into blogger mode when I wasn’t sitting at my desk with my coffee and my music.

But then:

That GIF basically explains my entire mood since the husband of awesome fixed it!

So, that brings us up to now. It’s been quite a journey and I am sorry I haven’t posted properly in a little over a week. I hope to regain my momentum now that I at least have the HP working again! And no, I am not touching anything without supervision!!

I am wearing

Jacket: GRAVES G640 Jacket - White

Top: alaskametro<3 "Minimal" camisole/briefs 05 white

Pants: [The Forge] Cypher Pants, White (Gacha)

Shoes: [The Forge] Cypher Boots, Holo (Gacha)


Eyeshadow and Cheek Hearts: Izzie's - Valentine's Make-Up Set (Valentine's Gift)

Lipstick Applier: VELOUR: New Gods HD Lipstick for Lelutka Evo FLEUR

Nail Polish Applier: alaskametro<3 - "Alaska's Favs" nail polish appliers set

Necklace: amais - HEART silver - GROUP GIFT

Hair: -FABIA- Mesh Hair <Lilak>

Skin: [Glam Affair] Rowan Skin [ Lelutka ] 005

Mesh Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara V5.2

Mesh Head: LeLUTKA Fleur Head 2.0

Love, Kirinyth

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