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Pride at Home

Writer's picture: KirinythKirinyth

Welcome to June my dear readers! I’m excited because it’s Pride Month and Second Life has delivered some amazing goods and experiences. If you haven’t already check out the shop and hop that’s part of Pride at Home. You can find a list of what’s available here.

Pride at Home also has some free gifts which are gorgeous, be sure to check them out while you wander the sim! So why am I so freaking excited for pride month this year? Well, it’s a little embarrassing but I haven’t really felt like I’m part of the community. Not by the community, they’ve always been welcoming and wonderful.

I’ve just felt, in myself, that I wasn’t worthy or something along those lines. I’m having a bit of trouble putting it into words… I suppose it stems from coming out and the constant stream, from cis people, of “you’re a plant?”

You see, I fall under the asexual banner; specifically demisexual, and when I came out asexual was still new to the LGBTQIA+ so a lot of people ignored its existence. The community is quite frisky and for someone with no sexual desire it’s rather daunting.

Hence trying to fit into the CIS community but being met with the “you’re a plant?!” comments. Cis people thought it was funny but all it did was confirm I don’t fit in and that I wasn’t welcome in that space.

Now it’s been quite a few years since I came out and it’s been three years since I last attended Second Pride and I’m only just now feeling part of the community. I saw so many Ace pride pins and flags and clothing that I cried. I actually sat at my desk and bawled my eyes out because I felt seen. I’m recognised!

So what does one do when they’re seen and it’s Pride Month!?

SHOP FOR ALL THE PRIDE THINGS! And you bet I spent all of my linden doing exactly that! At the time of writing this post I have exactly L$3 left. I was definitely a kid in a candy store, only worse because there’s so much more Second Life to explore! I have zero regrets!! So let’s take a look at Pride at Home and my outfit!

Location: Pride at Home

Tailor Made

Jacket: TETRA Stretch Blazer

Pants: Frayed Sloane Jeans - Pride

Shoes: REIGN Kassidy Flats

Jewellery & Accessoires

Ring: fleur. dainty rings

Piercings: Lelutka

The Beauty Department

Nail Polish Applier: alaskametro<3 Pride nail art appliers

Hair: Magika Lyric


Mesh Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara

Mesh Head: LeLUTKA Fleur EvoX Head




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