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The Secret Post

Writer's picture: KirinythKirinyth

The other day I was reading this blog post from ReadMeri and it got me thinking about secrets and how easily they are collected.

I added my own to the comments, completely missing the link to add them anonymously *facepalm*

Anyway, I shared a secret and it wasn’t until I received a response that I learned it sounded completely different than what I meant. I wanted to write something there to clarify my experience but I found I couldn’t bring myself to do that and derail the narrative that continued.

So, I thought I would write it here, since it’s my blog and I can do things like that!

Here’s my secret as I posted it:

“Oooh my biggest SL secret… That is a really tough question! There was that time in 2007 when I fell in love with a girl. She introduced me to role play and neko’s and the stores Catnip and Atomic! Unlike everyone else I spent time with back then, she was the only person I was my real self with.
But… there’s always a but…
I was young and impressionable and the people whom I thought were friends convinced me it wasn’t love it was just a “fling”. Needless to say she didn’t take it very well when I explained what was said. I have always regretted that particular moment.
Second Life may be virtual but the relationships forged here are no less real than any other type of relationship. One could even argue that all relationships tend to lack one thing or another; be it empathy, understanding or being physically present. Sometimes those physically present can spend their time miles away mentally, so does it really count as them being there?
Anyway, thank you for a great post and a thought provoking one at that!”

I didn’t add that during the time I was with her I was single in real life. Oh boy, I was most definitely single! I’m not sure why I thought it would be clear that this was 12 odd years ago and pre-husband times. To be honest, I suspect I assumed it was obvious because as I was writing those words I was reliving that time.

To this day I still wonder why I listened to the people around me, even though I was desperate for their approval and acceptance. It’s probably worth noting they were all quite a few years my senior and they were, in many ways, surrogate parental figures for me.

Still, why did I let her go?

I will never truly be able to answer that question. In the end it did work out for the best since a few years later I met the Husband. Also, yes, he is aware of that time in my life and how much it hurt to lose my first real love! Not that you actually asked, but you totally wanted to know! At least, if I were reading this I would be curious.

What is your biggest regret? It doesn’t need to be a secret regret, or anything personal. What is that thing that still, after some time, niggles at the back of your mind and makes you utter “I wish I had have done that differently”?

What I’m wearing:

Bikini: Maitreya Mihira Bikini - HotPink

Cover up: Maitreya Sabra Kimono * Tribal 4

Hair: Magika - Hair - Lyric

Tattoo: .: Vegas :. Tattoo Applier Mandala Underboobies

Skin: itGirls - Kali Lelutka Applier - Summer Face

Mesh Body: Maitreya Mesh Body Lara V5.2

Mesh Head: LeLUTKA Fleur Head 2.0

Love, Kirinyth

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